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Frédéric COIRIER
Poujoulat Group CEO
« In action to prepare for the future »
Niort, september, 2024
Dear Partners,
The 2023/24 financial year marks a return to normality after the exceptional 2022/23 financial year in more ways than one. Although consolidated turnover fell by 12.4%, this was still the 2nd best result in the history of the Poujoulat Group.
Over the past 12 months, we have been faced with a number of challenges, including a very sharp decline in sales of pellet heating systems and gas boilers. In addition, the fall in the price of wood pellets alone accounts for half of the decline in the Group’s turnover.
This decline in turnover does not reflect the commercial dynamics of the Poujoulat Group, which has consolidated its leading position in its various markets.
Our results have fallen sharply, hit by the slowdown in business and rising costs (especially wages and energy prices). Our financial structure remains very solid, with equity twice our medium and long-term debts.
We have continued with our three-year investment plan to modernise and increase the productivity of our industrial and logistics facilities. In particular, we have introduced new robotic production lines and a “North Europe” logistics platform near Brussels.
On the wood fuel side of things, we have increased the production capacity of our existing sites. Our new BF72 production facility is currently in the development stage.
Through our subsidiary Vitalome, we have branched out into ventilation solutions for existing individual homes.
We have also made a number of strategic acquisitions:
- the acquisition of BBNA and Breizh Bois at the end of 2023, two wood fuel producers and distributors in the west of France, which are expected to increase our production capacity to 65,000 dry steres within 18 months;
- the acquisition of an 80% stake in CONVESA at the end of May 2024, one of Spain’s leading manufacturers of chimney flues, which will give the Poujoulat Group a solid foothold in the Iberian market;
- finally, we acquired a 66% stake in Novacité, a company specialising in the sale and installation of street furniture, to strengthen the outdoor design offering of our subsidiary Tôlerie Forézienne.
We are well on track with our environmental transformation. Our energy mix is becoming increasingly low carbon, with the launch of a new solar power plant in the car park at our head office. This is the first step in our 2026 Solar Plan, which aims to achieve more than 4MW of installed solar photovoltaic capacity.
Our digital transformation is well under way: following on from our wood fuel branch, we are now working on a new ERP system for our chimney flue and industrial chimneys branch.
Finally, we are stepping up investments in marketing and communications: now more than ever, our brands are setting standards and enjoying high levels of recognition. In 2024, we will continue to raise our profile with several TV campaigns for Cheminées Poujoulat and Woodstock.
All of these projects will enable the Poujoulat Group to increase its market share and prepare for the arrival of the winter months, at which point it will be one of the first to benefit from the upturn in the market.
I’d now like to share a few key points with you. In Europe, more than 100 million heating systems and appliances will need to be replaced by 2035, that’s almost 10 million a year, and we’re a long way off at the moment. This will require massive investment from consumers, social landlords, local authorities, businesses… and even governments, through their public policies.
Accelerating the de-carbonisation of housing requires us to focus on rapid and massive changes in our heating and energy production systems. This is the shortest route and the one the Scandinavian countries have chosen. In less than 20 years, they have managed to virtually de-carbonise their heating systems while renovating their homes step by step.
It’s better to support, install and replace as many heating systems as possible than to finance a few thousand large-scale renovations, which are often very costly and more about improving comfort than saving energy. We need all kinds of energy: electricity, certainly; gas, necessarily; and wood, obviously. For the sake of our sovereignty and controlling prices, we must not become dependent on a single solution. The Ukrainian conflict has demonstrated just how interdependent European countries have become.
Let’s not pit energy sources against each other: a balanced energy mix will make green solutions more accessible, more locally sourced, more cost-effective and therefore more attractive to consumers.
Thank you all for your trust and loyalty.
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General meeting
Previous general meeting : September 11, 2024
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The Poujoulat Group’s publications are made outside the opening hours of the stock exchange. This calendar is subject to change
JAN 10 |
08:00 am: Semester report on liquidity contract S2 2024 |
JAN 22 |
08:00 am: Publication of the 2024/25 financial year 3rd quarter turnovers. |
JUN 27 |
08:00 am: Publication of the 2024/25 financial year 4th quarter turnovers. |
JULY 10 |
08:00 am Semester report on liquidity contract S1 2025 |
JULY 21 |
08:00 am Publication of the 2025/26 financial year 1st quarter turnovers |
SEPT 10 |
2:30 pm Approval of the annual and consolidated financial statements |
SEPT 11 |
08:00 am 2024/2025 Annual Report |
NOV 14 |
08:00 am: Publication of the 2025/26 financial year 2nd quarter turnovers. |
DEC 19 | 08:00 am: Publication of the 2025/26 1st semester turnover. |
x 10 |
Monthly publications: information relating to the number of voting rights and shares. |
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€402.2 M
2022/23 turnover
1 750