Dansk Shorstens Teknik (DST)

Industrial chimneys

Home > An international group > Dansk Shorstens Teknik (DST)

Creation in 1996 / In the Poujoulat Group since 2016


We are specialist in stack (steel, brick & concrete) inspections, repair and surfacetreatment. Also erection of steel stacks is one of our main competances. We are based in Esbjerg, Denmark and serve customers al over the world.


Dansk Skorstens Teknik A/S
Havdigevej 21
6700 Esbjerg – DENMARK

Voir le site de la filialeVoir la page linkedin de la filiale

“It is our mission to successfully make chimney inspections, repairs and surface treatments of high quality and to erect chimneys in a safe way and thereby contribute actively to a better environment.”

Managing Director

in short

CA DST€1.6 M
2022/23 turnover

Effectif DST10
Nb références DST5 000
Pays d'exportation10
export countries

Our products and realizations

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